Using the Headline Ticker

The Headline Ticker system allows website managers to specify various items from the website to scroll in a banner on the home page. These items can be from three sources; a custom text entry, diary entries and website pages.

Adding a custom text entry to the Headline Ticker

This is the most simple option. And allows the manager to specify any text to be displayed on the Headline Ticker. This custom text is specified as part of the home page resources.

  1. First log in to the backend website manager.
  2. After you have logged in you can return to the frontend website and go to the home page or stay in the backend manager.
  3. Right click on the page in the menu tree and select ‘Edit Resource' for the home page (or select 'Edit Resource' from the frontend manager bar at the top of the screen).
  4. Scroll down the resource to the 'Other resource configuration' section.
  5. Enter text into the Custom Headline field. Keep it reasonably concise (a sentence) as if it is too long the text will be truncated in the Headline Ticker.
  6. Click Save to commit the changes.

Note to prevent the custom text displaying on the Headline Ticker simply blank out the Custom Headline field.

Adding Diary Entries to the Headline Ticker (requires diary module)

  1. First log in to the backend website manager.
  2. After you have logged in you can return to the frontend website and go to the diary page on your site.
  3. It is assumed you have read the Using the Diary help and are familiar with creating and editing diary entries.
  4. For a particular diary entry to add it to the Headline Ticker edit the event and check the Headline Event checkbox.
  5. Save your diary entry changes.

Note the diary entry will display with the Diary event start date, Event Title and Event detail if completed.

If the diary event has been set with an Event Link then this will make the headline 'clickable' to the specified event link set.

Diary events will only be listed on the Headline Ticker if ALL the following three criteria are met:

i) Headline Event checkbox is set (step 4 above).
ii) The event is not in the past.
iii) The event is within a set number of days of today by way of a Headline Diary Range (84 days by default). This means events can be flagged as a headline event months or even years in advance, but will not display on the Headline Ticker until within this more sensible range of today's date.

To set the Headline Diary Range

  1. First log in to the backend website manager.
  2. After you have logged in you can return to the frontend website and go to the home page or stay in the backend manager.
  3. Right click on the page in the menu tree and select ‘Edit Resource' for the home page (or select 'Edit Resource' from the frontend manager bar at the top of the screen).
  4. Scroll down the resource to the 'Other resource configuration' section.
  5. Enter a number in the Headline Diary Range field. This is in days with the default being 84 days. Do not enter anything other than a number in this field. i.e. no word 'days' or 'weeks'. 
  6. Click Save to commit the changes.

Adding Website Pages to the Headline Ticker

Any page in the website can be used to populate the Headline Ticker. This is achieved by specifying a date. The web page will then be displayed on the ticker until the specified date is reached. E.g. If today is February 1st and the page should be displayed for a week then February 8th would be specified.

  1. First log in to the backend website manager.
  2. After you have logged in you can return to the frontend website, though for certain pages (such as news items) you will need to access them from the backend manager.
  3. Locate the page you wish to have displayed in the ticker and right click on the page in the menu tree and select ‘Edit Resource' (or select 'Edit Resource' from the frontend manager bar at the top of the screen).
  4. Scroll down the resource to the 'Other resource configuration' section.
  5. Locate the Headline Page End Date field and click on the field to set the date. Pick the date required and it will be entered in the field.
  6. The date can be cleared by clicking the small icon after the date field.
  7. Click Save to commit the changes.

Note the page will display with the Title and Description if completed.

The headline will also be 'clickable' to the specified page in the website.


The items in the Headline Ticker are displayed in random order each time you visit the page. This is by design to ensure visitors have the chance to see all the headlines when visiting the site multiple times.

Hovering your mouse pointer over the Headline Ticker pauses the ticker on the current item until the mouse is moved away.

Help and FAQ Overview

Glossary - Common terms used in these help pages.

Best Practice - Some golden rules for creating website content.

Help Topics

Using the Diary - (if installed)

Using the Headline Ticker - (if installed)

Using the Gallery - (if installed)

Using the NEW Gallery - (if installed)

Using the eNewsletter - (if installed)

Using the NEW eNewsletter - (if installed)

Using the Noticeboards - (if installed)

Using the Upload/Download Table - How to load files such as PDFs to the website and link text to the file.

Creating and Editing Webpages - Basic instructions on create pages.

Formatting Content - Good practice for formatting text content, headings and tables

Adding Text from an Existing Document (e.g. MS Word) - Instructions on including external text.

Uploading and linking files - How to load files such as PDFs to the website and link text to the file.

Linking to other pages - Link text to an external page or other page on the website.

Linking to sections on the same page - Link text to a paragraph on the same page using 'Anchors'.

Adding and Deleting Images - Embedding images in your text.

Managing Member Accounts - (if installed)


I have forgotten my password - How to reset it.